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Invest in Sparta's community, Local businesses are owned and operated by neighbors who live in this community. Individuals who are less likely to leave, and are more invested in the community’s future. Where we shop, where we eat and have fun -- all of it makes our community home. Our one-of-a-kind Chamber businesses are an integral part of the distinctive character of Sparta.
(616) 886 - 1274 | 10515 Grange NE, Rockford, MI 49341 | Come join a family and experience God's love!
(616) 887 - 7311 | 1633 10 Mile Rd NW, Sparta, MI 49345 | Join us every Sunday to worship, pray, and learn!
(616) 887- 6130 | 11384 Stebbins, Sparta, MI 49345 | Come worship with us as we grow together!
(616) 887 - 8873 | 4085 Lutheran Church Rd, Kent City, MI 49330 | "Sharing God's bounty on the Ridge"
(616) 887 - 9417 | 1225 12 Mile Rd, Sparta, MI 49345 | Sharing God's love and good news in Jesus Christ
(616) 887- 1169 | 665 13 Mile Rd, Sparta, MI 49345
(616) 887- 8255 | 54 E. Division, Sparta, MI 49345 | You are the apple of God's eye!