Sparta is opening a new retail marketplace called the Sparta Town Square -- a place to specifically focus on growing small retail business! The footprint includes small incubator spaces to launch or grow a small retail business that is a low cost, perfect start up option for an eventual bricks and mortar retailer to test the market. The spaces will be individual hubs (small 10x20’ buildings) that will be surrounding a public area called the Town Square with picnic tables, a fire pit, flowers and trees, along trickling Nash Creek in the heart of downtown Sparta. The Town Square will feature regular entertainment and activity to draw foot traffic and cultivate synergy between the current downtown businesses.
The incubator space will be leased out per year and each retail building will have lights, power, hear/air, and regular operating hours like a true commercial space! The price point for the retailer allows the new business to test the market demand with low "risk" with short term leases and low overhead expenses. There is expected to host up to six incubator businesses, and we have two of them spoken for already and working to execute a lease agreement! Sparta, MI www.spartachamber.com/sparta-town-square Interested to open a retail business? We recommend you check out the Small Business Development Center webinar series with several business start-up courses you can follow online for free! If you’d like more information about the demographics of Sparta, contact our Sparta Area Chamber of Commerce at (616) 887-2454.