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Invest in Sparta's community, Local businesses are owned and operated by neighbors who live in this community. Individuals who are less likely to leave, and are more invested in the community’s future. Where we shop, where we eat and have fun -- all of it makes our community home. Our one-of-a-kind Chamber businesses are an integral part of the distinctive character of Sparta.
(616) 887 - 8201 | 475 Applejack Ct, Sparta, MI 49345 | We design, engineer, manufacture, install and maintain automated material handling products.
(616) 887 - 1771 | 9983 Sparta Ave, Sparta, MI 49345 | Complete casting solution
(616) 887 - 7570 | 182 N. State St, Sparta, MI 49345
Providing natural gas measurement products, gas control products, data acquisition products and services.
(616) 887 - 8231 | 200 S. Maple St, Sparta, MI 49345 | We are the largest piston ring manufacturer in North America
(616) 887 - 7387 | 309 S. Union, Sparta, MI 49345
(616) 887-6808 I 424 E. Division Ste. C Sparta, MI 49345 I Sporting goods manufacturer
100 E. Averill St. NW | (616)887-8268 | Manufactures food grade disposable wax paper
(616) 887 - 0400 | 400 Applejack Ct, Sparta, MI 49345 | Hart Enterprises, Inc., is the leading OEM supplier of special application needles and custom medical devices for the health care industry today.
(616) 899 - 2042 | 349 Wilson Rd, Conklin, MI 49403 | People ... Products..... Knowledge
(616) 887 - 1745 | 1991 12 Mile Rd, Sparta, MI 49345
(630) 653-1655 | 122 South Aspen St. Sparta, MI 49345 | Packaging Personified is a leader in the flexible packaging industry.
(616) 887 - 1714 | 389 E. Division, Sparta, MI 49345 | We are a manufacturer of special carbide, high speed steel, and diamond cutting tools, tool holders, fixtures and boaring bars.
(616) 887 - 1390 | 420 S. State St, Sparta, MI 49345 | We supply gages for quality control of stamped and molded parts!
(616) 887 - 0042 | 11865 N. Division, Sparta, MI 49345 | General contractors doing commerical and industrial new construction, building repair, and or improvements.
(616) 887 - 7171 | 465 Applejack Ct, Sparta, MI 49345 | Steel fabricators of structural and miscellaneous steel for over 23 years!
(616) 887 - 3113 | 324 S. Union, Sparta, MI 49345 | We are a manufacturer of self- adhesive tapes, sold through industrial distributors.
(616) 887 - 8282 | 1001 12 Mile Rd, Sparta, MI 49345 | We provide placing, splicing and testing services in all environments, including urban and rural work areas.