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Invest in Sparta's community, Local businesses are owned and operated by neighbors who live in this community. Individuals who are less likely to leave, and are more invested in the community’s future. Where we shop, where we eat and have fun -- all of it makes our community home. Our one-of-a-kind Chamber businesses are an integral part of the distinctive character of Sparta.
Media & Marketing
(616) 887 - 8680 | 7754 Pine Island Ct, Belmont, MI 49306
(231) 652 - 9160 | 477 S. Park Ave, Newaygo, MI 49337 | We do all of our work IN HOUSE
(616) 887 - 9008 | 75 Applewood Dr, Sparta, MI 49345 | We're more than just a magazine publisher.
(616) 675 - 3850 | 13984 Eagle Ridge Dr, Kent City, MI 49330
(616) 887 - 1723 | 98 E. Division, Sparta, MI 49345 | Computer-to-plate technology
(616) 887 - 6873 | 9000 Fruit Ridge NW, Sparta, MI 49345
(616) 235-0120 | 5300 Broadmoor Ave SE Suite F, Grand Rapids, MI 49512 | Printing Satisfaction Since 1987
(616) 675 - 7499 | 153 N. Main St, Casnovia, MI 49318 | Our mission is to create raving fans with excellent service!