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Volunteer Handouts for Sparta 2021 Events!

Two level of volunteers:

Captains: a person who will take the lead on the event!

-commit to planning and operating the event as described below.

Worker Bees: Our favorite folks who sign up for shifts to run a booth, table, sell tickets, etc!

- Sign up for volunteer opportunities that get sent out weeks before the event.

Concerts in Rogers Park Captain

Seeking a toe-tapping organizer to plan the laid-back evenings in Rogers Park that hundred attend weekly.

1. Create Band Schedule

Contact Bands (previous bands or new bands that meet our specs of size/budget)

Set Dates (some dates have pre-determined themes already set such as Celtic Fest)

Staff will get contracts out to bands

2. Extras for each night

Food options on site vs. “Restaurant Runners”

Assist band with any needs they might have

3. Night of the Concert

Introduce Band (optional)

Welcome volunteers on site / raffle ticket sellers / food folks as an ambassador

Pay band

Address any onsite issues with onsite staff

There is a budget set forth by the board which is based upon sponsorship funds

There is an expectation of a variety of genre of music to appease all types of crowd, must be family appropriate music

Opportunity for “Extras” such as “chalk” fun for kids, onsite activities, etc.

Volunteer Chair does not have to commit to attend entire season of concerts, there will be onsite staff available to handle the onsite duties if attendance isn’t possible!

Expectation of Volunteer Chair: to be a positive ambassador to all attendees, all band contacts, and all staff members on site. Staff members do not work “for” the volunteer chair but they are just on site to handle the on-site issues as defined in their duties list

Worker Bees: sign up to sell raffle tickets, hand out kids balloons, greet guests, etc.!

Parade Captain: Sparta Town & Country Parade

Seeking an organized planner to produce and “bedazzle” one of the most attended traditions in our community!

1. Solicit Entries for the Sparta Town & Country Days Parade

a. Staff will have a parade form / online option for entries to fill out

b. Create parade line up of incoming entries (staff will have input based on sponsorship / needs of specific entries)

c. Seek entertainment entries (within budget), provide contracts/payment/information for line up to the entertainment entry

d. After confirmation of documentation to send out with staff, send out parade directions, order of line up, and information on the parade via email

e. A parade line up document will be created with the entry descriptions for the announcers to read

f. Find volunteers / others to help with line up the day of the parade

There is a budget set forth by the board which is based upon sponsorship funds

There is a parade email address that all parade communication should go through so as to be accessible by staff and volunteer chair

Volunteer Chair of Parade should be available the day of the parade to organize the entries on site

Expectation of Volunteer Chair: to be a positive ambassador to all attendees, all contacts, and all staff members via written and onsite communication.

Worker Bees: volunteer to help with parade line up the day of the event, clean up litter after the parade along the route, etc.

Candy Cane Lane Décor Captain:

Seeking a creative & wonderland-loving Christmas Light decorator to assemble Candy Cane Lane!

1. Create a plan for decorating / lighting up Candy Cane Lane that can be as inventive as you’d like it to be – there is no restriction on a “theme”!

2. Solicit volunteers to help light up the pathway by setting up props, blow ups, hanging lights during the end of October

a. Staff can help assist on volunteer recruitment via social media calls for assistance!

3. All props and lighting purchases will be made from the Events Budget once a plan is presented for purchase needs

4. Candy Cane Lane turns “on” during the Shop Sparta Event on the Friday before Thanksgiving and can remain on through the beginning of January (if the lights and props are still in good condition and not destroyed through the elements)

5. Volunteers can find a warmer day during the winter to remove props as possible, likewise we can solicit the help of part time staff to assist in removal of the props and lights

a. All props/lights/equipment that is property of the Events should remain stored in the Village storage facility and not in a private residence

b. There is quite a bit of lights and other props to look at to see if could be useful!

Worker Bees: help put up and tear down the decorations!

Town & Country Day Events

Seeking several talented people with a passion for making something FUN happening during our Sparta Town & Country Day Week long celebration!

1) These events will fit into the Town & Country Day Schedule – they can be NEW ideas or ideas that we’ve executed before!

2) The Date of Town & Country Days 2021 is still to be determined, but we intend it to be mid-July.

3) The events must fit into the current budget planned for 2021 ((all operations are fundraised for ahead of time and must be approved by the board))

Current concepts being discussed for 2021:

- Wednesday (Concert in Rogers Park)

- Thursday (Family Farm Night)

- Friday (Alumni Night Entertainment Tent)

- Saturday (Parade, Entertainment Tent)

Seeking captains for:

Parade Director

Craft Show Coordinator

Beer Tent Orchestrator (several positions available)

Family Farm Night

Kids Day

Other New Events to add to the schedule

Volunteer Coordination

Garage Sales?


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