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Thank you for your interest in support of the Sparta Sports Complex!

As you may know, over the last several years, the sports complex has been under construction and moving closer to opening day -- only thanks to the generous support of hundreds of donors!  This Sports Complex construction is funded by the generosity of donors like you!


By purchasing an engraved brick paver, you help move the project oen step closer to the finish line!  Please take a moment to FILL IN YOUR ENGRAVED MESSAGE!

*Each character indicates a letter, numeral, space, punctuation mark, or symbol.  


An 8x8" brick consists of up to 6 engraved lines, each line 14 characters!


The Sparta Area Recreation Assocation is a 501(c)3 established in 2012 by citizens of Sparta area. SARA exists solely for the purpose of securing and administering private funds in
support of recreational programs, infrastructure, and operations in Sparta. All donations of money and land received are tax deductible.

Sports Complex 8x8"Engraved Brick

  • 8x8 Engraved bricks allow for 6 lines at 14 characters each!

    *Each character indicates a letter, numeral, space, punctuation mark, or symbol.

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